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Pet Health News

Immunotherapy: A Gentle Boost for Your Pet’s Health

For many pets, allergies are a common and frustrating problem that reduces their quality of life and causes discomfort. Allergies can cause persistent problems like ear infections, digestive issues, and itchy skin, caused from food, fleas, environment, or contact with allergens. While antihistamines and steroids, two common traditional therapies for allergies, can be helpful, they sometimes just offer temporary relief and don't address the root cause of the allergies. This is where immunotherapy, a customized treatment intended to help pets become less sensitive to specific allergens, comes into play.

Allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) is one of the most successful treatments we provide for pets with environmental allergies at Haarstad Veterinary Dermatology.  By addressing the underlying cause of your pet's discomfort and providing long-term relief, this treatment goes beyond symptom management.

Understanding Pet Allergies

The most common allergies pets experience can be categorized into one of the following types:

  • Environmental: A reaction to pollen, mold, dust mites, or other allergens.
  • Food: Triggered by certain ingredients in your dog's diet.
  • Fleas: A reaction to the saliva of a flea bite.
  • Contact: An allergic reaction from direct exposure to allergens like metals, chemicals, topical medications, and certain plants.

Symptoms of Pet Allergies

Common symptoms of allergies that you may notice in your pet, include:

  • Constant itching and scratching
  • Red, inflamed skin
  • Hair loss or bald patches
  • Constant or recurring ear infections
  • GI concerns (especially with food allergies)
  • Respiratory symptoms like sneezing and runny eyes

The Power of Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy gently teaches your pet’s body to not react so strongly to things they’re allergic to. Over time, this can greatly reduce allergy symptoms.

Stallergenes Greer Veterinary Allergy, the first U.S. immunotherapy company and a highly trusted resource among veterinary dermatologists nationwide, emphasizes that allergen-specific immunotherapy is one of the few treatments capable of modifying the underlying allergic condition. Immunotherapy helps your pet's immune system adjust to environmental allergens, essentially "training" the body to tolerate these triggers over time, compared to traditional treatments that simply suppress the symptoms. This individualized approach offers a long-term solution for pets by customizing the treatment to fit their individual allergy profile.

Why Choose Immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy is a great option for treating pets with newly diagnosed environmental allergies or when other treatments have not been effective. Immunotherapy acts in a different way compared to typical medications, which generally provide temporary relief and may cause side effects. It can offer ongoing relief from allergy symptoms by addressing their underlying cause.

  • Personalized Care: Based on specific allergens found through allergy testing, each pet's immunotherapy treatment is created specifically for them.
  • Long-Term Relief: Immunotherapy can provide lasting relief, reducing or eliminating the need for additional medications.  It does require patience from the pet's owner as it can take months to see full results.
  • Safe for Long-Term Use: Because immunotherapy works with the pet’s immune system rather than suppressing it, it is safe for long-term use without the risk of side effects like weight gain, diabetes, or infections, which are sometimes associated with certain medications.

How Does Immunotherapy Work?

Our first step at Haarstad Veterinary Dermatology will be to identify the specific cause of your pet's allergy symptoms. To identify things like mold, dust mites, pollen, and even flea bites, we will use specialized allergy tests. Once we've determined what's causing the reaction in your pet, we'll lay out a personalized treatment plan using the best option for them. To see how immunotherapy serum is made from natural ingredients, check out this awesome video! 

The two most common options for administering the immunotherapy serum are:

  1. Subcutaneous Immunotherapy (SCIT): Injections under the skin can be given at home, typically starting with low doses and increasing them over several months. Your pet will usually require maintenance injections every 2-4 weeks to keep their allergies under control. For help with administering your pet’s allergy shots, check out our how-to video!
  2. Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT): You will give your pet drops containing a small amount of the natural allergens under their tongue. This type of immunotherapy is given once daily and it can work as well as the injections. To assist you with properly administering your pet’s allergy drops, be sure to watch our how-to video

The goal of immunotherapy, as highlighted by Nextmune, a global leader in veterinary dermatology, is to progressively reduce the immune system's sensitivity to allergens. Through the course of treatment, your pet's immune system gradually becomes more tolerant of the allergens by introducing tiny, controlled amounts of them into their body. Allergy symptoms decrease significantly as the immune response becomes more controlled.

How a Veterinary Dermatologist Can Assist

Pet allergies can be difficult to treat, which is why a focused, customized strategy is important. At Haarstad Veterinary Dermatology, we have advanced training in the diagnosis and treatment of pet allergies and skin conditions; because of this, we can provide:

  • Advanced Allergy Testing: To accurately identify which environmental allergens are affecting your pet, we use intradermal skin testing and/or blood tests.
  • Individualized Treatment Plans: Every pet receives a personalized treatment plan that could include recommendations for dietary changes, skin or grooming practices, or lifestyle modifications in addition to immunotherapy.
  • Consistent Monitoring: Scheduling routine check-ups ensures that we are modifying your pet's treatment as necessary to get the best possible result.

What to Expect with Immunotherapy

While immunotherapy can be highly effective, it will require dedication and time from pet parents. Cats and dogs usually begin to show improvement after a few months of treatment, though some may experience relief sooner. As time goes by, the frequency and severity of allergic reaction should diminish, and many pets will be able to reduce or discontinue the use of other medications. Environmental allergies will never be completely eliminated. So, in order to ensure allergies are managed successfully, it will be necessary to monitor and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan. 

Preventive Care and Maintenance

Beyond providing immunotherapy, keeping your pet's environment clean may help with symptom management. Reduced exposure to allergens, frequent bathing, and fresh bedding can all aid in minimizing allergic reactions. We also recommend flea preventatives and sometimes a hypoallergenic diet for pets with a history of allergies. 

Allergies can severely impact a pet’s well-being, but with the right plan, relief is within reach. At Haarstad Veterinary Dermatology, we are dedicated to helping your pet live a comfortable, healthy life free from the discomfort of chronic allergies. If your pet is struggling with constant symptoms, schedule with us to explore how immunotherapy can make a difference.

For more information on the benefits of immunotherapy, visit Stallergenes Greer Veterinary Allergy and Nextmune, and discover how cutting-edge treatments can improve your pet’s quality of life.